Biden’s Veto Preserves Rules to Reduce Dangerous Truck Pollution

Statement by Dave Cooke, Union of Concerned Scientists

Published Jun 14, 2023

WASHINGTON (June 14, 2023)—Today, President Joe Biden vetoed S.J.Res.11, a Congressional Review Act resolution that would nullify the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new rule reining in the emissions of dangerous pollution from heavy duty trucks. This veto was necessary to preserve the EPA’s ability to carry out its mission of protecting public health against a widespread danger, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).

Below is a statement by Dave Cooke, senior vehicles analyst for the Clean Transportation Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

“It’s deeply disappointing that Congress used this flawed process to try and undo important public health protections. The president made the right call by vetoing it, as did the members of Congress who voted ‘no’ on the resolution. This reckless effort to undo the truck pollution rule was heavily influenced by misinformation from trucking industry trade groups.

“The EPA’s final rule wasn’t as strong as it could have been—the scientific and technical record shows we could achieve even greater reductions in pollution. But it’s still the first update to rules reining in smog-forming emissions from trucks in 22 years. If this resolution had become law, it would have rolled back that rule completely. This pollution poses a clear health risk, especially for people who live near highways, ports, and high-traffic areas. These communities deserve clean air, and the EPA has an obligation to follow the science and protect people’s health.”