DOD, NSC Officials Say Climate Change is a National Security Risk, and Science is on Their Side

Statement by Brenda Ekwurzel, Union of Concerned Scientists

Published Feb 20, 2019

WASHINGTON (February 20, 2019)—The White House is reportedly seeking to create a Presidential Committee on Climate Security, which would be aimed at assessing the threat of climate change to national security. The committee would be established by executive order and be headed by William Happer, a climate denier with a longstanding history of ignoring scientific facts.

Below is a statement by Brenda Ekwurzel, senior climate scientist and director of climate science at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).

“President Trump has a wealth of experts at his disposal who are well-acquainted with the significant threat climate change poses to U.S. national security. We encourage him to reach out to the NSC and DOD if he wants an accurate understanding about this issue. Setting up an exercise headed by a climate denier is a misguided and wasteful attempt to get the answers he wants rather than ones based on scientific fact. This is yet another play from the Disinformation Playbook designed to further delay solutions and distract the public.”

Click here to view a copy of the Disinformation Playbook by UCS. This latest tactic fits three categories “The Fake,” “The Diversion,” and “The Fix.”