As a Senior Scientist in the Union of Concerned Scientists' Clean Transportation Program, Jeremy Martin evaluates the impact of biofuels and fuel policy.
Dr. Martin is the author of more than 15 technical publications and 13 patents on topics ranging from biofuels lifecycle accounting to semiconductor manufacturing and polymer physics. His recent report for UCS, Fueling a Clean Transportation Future: Smart fuel choices for a warming world describes how transportation fuels are changing, and what can be done to reduce emissions from their production.
Dr. Martin has testified before Congress and briefed state and federal legislators and regulators on key fuel policies. He has served on several expert panels examining how the fuels industry is changing, and what can be done to move it in a cleaner direction.
Before coming to UCS, Dr. Martin worked in research, development and manufacturing of computer chips at Advanced Micro Devices. Dr. Martin has a Ph.D. in chemistry and a minor in chemical engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and English literature from Haverford College.
Selected publications
Martin J., Cui J. 2017 Impacts of US Biodiesel Mandates on World Vegetable Oil Markets energy Economnics 65:148-160
Martin J. 2011 Don't Foul The Water Nature 474
O'Hare M., Plevin RJ., Martin JI., Jones AD., Kendall A., Hopson E. 2009 Proper Accounting For Time Increases Crop-Based Biofules' Greenhouse Gas Deficit Versus Petroleum Environmental Research Letters
Ryan ET., Martin J., Bonilla G., Molis S., Spooner T., Widodo J., Kim JH., 2007 Line resistance and electromigration variations induced by hydrogen-based plasma modifications to the silicon carbonitride/copper interface Journal of The Electrochemical Society 154
Li Z., Johnson MC., Sun M., Ryan ET., Earl DJ., Maichen W., Martin JL., Li S., 2006 Mechanical and Dielectric Properties of Pure‐Silica‐Zeolite Low‐k Materials Angewandte Chemie international edition 45:6329-6332