All nuclear weapons resources
Fissile Materials Basics
A discussion of uranium and plutonium and their role in nuclear weapons.
North Korea Basics
Nuclear warheads, long-range missiles, and a combative leader. What are the options?
Activist Resource
Understanding China’s Foreign and Defense Policies
Chinese primary sources including speeches by Xi Jinping shed light on China's defense and foreign polices as they relate to the US.
How Nuclear Weapons Work
At the center of every atom is a nucleus. Breaking that nucleus apart—or combining two nuclei together—can release large amounts of energy.
Destroyer of Worlds
Jess speaks with Oppenheimer biographer Kai Bird about one of Earth's most influential humans and his scientific and political legacies.
What is Nuclear Testing?
A resumption would increase the risk of nuclear war.
Satellite Database
In-depth details on the 7,560 satellites currently orbiting Earth, including their country of origin, purpose, and other operational details.
A World Without Nuclear Weapons
We can build a future that promotes diplomacy, environmental justice for frontline communities, and one where we abolish these uniquely destructive weapons.
Risks & Consequences of Russia's War on Ukraine
What are the humanitarian costs of the use of tactical nuclear weapons?
2022 Annual Report
How did UCS perform over the last year?
What’s Preventing Nuclear Annihilation?
Global security expert Jennifer Knox explains how international treaties reduce the risks of nuclear weapons.
Tactical Nuclear Weapons
Also called nonstrategic nuclear weapons, they're designed for battlefield use and have a shorter range than other nuclear weapons.